In the vibrant city of Bangkok, amidst the bustling streets and diverse culture, resides Zoey, a 22-year-old Russian self-employed individual, providing a unique and personalized companionship experience. Zoey, with her striking features, boasts long brown hair that perfectly complements her captivating grey eyes. Standing at a height of 164 cm, she carries herself with an alluring grace, offering services to both men and women. Her clothing size, a modest S, showcases her fashionable taste, while her 50 B breast size adds to her natural allure.
Zoey’s presence in the industry is marked by her commitment to catering to a broad spectrum of preferences and orientations. As a heterosexual companion, she ensures a comfortable and engaging experience for clients seeking her services. Beyond her physical attributes, Zoey’s diverse skill set and engaging personality make her an ideal choice for those looking for more than just surface-level connections. Her services extend beyond the traditional boundaries, offering companionship that goes beyond the ordinary, leaving a lasting impression on the diverse clientele that she attracts. She offers excellent services including Balls Licking, GFE, Submissive Games, multiple guy roleplay, and duo dates. In addition, she flourishes at Golden Shower. In the cosmopolitan landscape of Bangkok, Zoey stands out as a multifaceted companion, combining charm, intellect, and a genuine passion for providing an unforgettable experience.
Name: Zoey
Current Location: Bangkok
Languages: English
Age: 22
Clothing Size: S
Height: 164 cm
Bra Size: 50B
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Occupation: Self Employed