Greetings! Meet Zola, an intriguing individual with a distinct presence. Identified as a 26-year-old female hailing from the vibrant continent of Nigeria, she currently finds herself immersed in the lively atmosphere of Bangkok. Zola boasts a cascade of long, black hair that compliments her 168 cm stature. With an eye-catching wardrobe featuring size S clothing, she exudes style and grace. Her captivating black eyes and a 75 B breast size add to her allure, making her a unique figure in any setting. As a self-employed individual, Zola navigates her professional pursuits with determination and creativity, embodying a spirit of entrepreneurship.
In addition to her professional endeavors, Zola also takes delight in expressing her individuality through her choice of perfume, favoring the timeless Tiffany Eau de Parfum. Her heterosexuality is a defining aspect of her identity, and she offers her services to both men and women, embodying an open-minded and inclusive approach. She offers incredible services like Blowjob, going on double dates, ball-licking, and Multiple Shots with several men. She’s also skilled at taking Golden Showers off. Zola’s unique blend of physical attributes, personal preferences, and professional drive make her a distinctive and captivating individual, seamlessly blending her Nigerian roots with the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Bangkok. As she continues to carve her path in the world, Zola embraces her journey with a sense of purpose and a commitment to authenticity.
Name: Zola
Current Location: Bangkok
Languages: English,
Age: 26
Clothing Size: S
Height: 168 cm
Bra Size: 75 B
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Occupation: Self Employed
Favourite Perfume: Tiffany Eau de Parfum